What lessons would you want to pass down to your children?
Whether that’s a practical consideration or a pure hypothetical, it’s an interesting framework to consider what you believe to be most important.
I like this question because it requires a degree of personal prioritization—this isn’t just “What mental models do you find interesting?” or “What’s a new perspective that made your eyebrows go up?” Instead, this question forces you to answer: what is important to you? Perhaps it’s something you initially learned from someone else, but there’s got to be some degree of personal experience blended in. What’s the truest thing you know?
I’ve been thinking about this question a lot this week—and wondering if maybe I should be sharing my own answers in this newsletter, in addition to/instead of just weekly discoveries.
But in the meantime, I’ll just leave it as a challenging question: What are your life lessons, so far?
Insight inspired by:
and his wonderful edition of my favorite newsletter: Words That Matter is a rotation of guest curators and Josh included 3 incredible articles about lessons from fathers to their children. Definitely check it out.
My life lesson: think long term, act now. And NEVER delay the difficult conversation.