“People will remember one thing you say, at best. This applies to podcasts, Zoom sessions, or any industry meeting. Figure out what that one thing is that you want to get across and just say it.”
I read that in a Fast Company article this week. Fittingly enough, though, it’s not actually in the article—it’s the blurb at the top. The rest of the article is good, too—it highlights some key points from a new book, Smart Brevity: The Power of Saying More with Less, co-written by the 3 founders of Axios. But my main takeaway is another lesson in essentialism: if people will only remember one thing I’m going to say, what is it going to be? I’ve started asking myself that question before every meeting & presentation—you should, too!
Inspired by: Lydia Dishman (who Matter told me wrote the blurb, even though Next Big Idea Club wrote the article), plus Jim VandeHei, Mike Allen, and Roy Schwartz for writing Smart Brevity.